Hello & welcome to my website - shortly to be listed as 1 of the seven wonders of the modern world (lie). I like to think I'm okay at writing webpages and from time to time I go browsing on the 'net' for inspiration. I have seen copys of this webpage flying about, and I have to confess to 'stealing the menu idea' but I reckon most of this is my own work, with the exception of the BRILLIANT guestbook scripts from Matt Wrights BRILLIANT script page (worth a look). However, if I appear to (innocently - honestly) have come by some of your work give me a bell and I'll sort it.

I happen to support Arsenal and I hate ManUre & Spurs fans. Inncedently if you are one of the afformentioned, my computer will turn your computer to mud. (with the exception of Russell Bright ( who has the antidote) (all lies) ). I think I am a reasonable person so if you are a Manck or a Spur you have ten seconds to leave before my computer hacks into the FBI or CIA and blames it on YOU using the latest DieKizKiller Software. (lie).

I have a gliding schorlorship which I am really proud of which means that I go gliding free for a yaer or untill I reach solo standard.I worked really hard for it and at this point in time I am actually flying above you spying on you with my X-Ray Specs. (lie)

I really like Offspring, Terrorvision, Green Day and Stereophonics. These are my main tastes in music, but I'll give anything a go and I quite like the Beautifull South

Enough already - On with the Show!